International Solar Innovation Council
Innovating Solar Solutions for Billions
InSIC Funded School Program held on June 2023

Solar ambassador program to popularize Solar & Renewable Energy
The main objective of this programme is to create awareness of young generation on use of Solar Energy in different spheres of life and protect the climate. InSIC has a partnership with NBIRT, India in this context.
June, 2023 Programme: - On 19th June, 2023 InSIC invited Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Narendrapur a reputed school of Kolkata to participate in the InSIC School Programme. Twelve number of Students (Boys) of 10th, 11th and 12th standard with their teachers participated in the Programme.
A presentation on ‘Introduction to Renewable Energy’ was made by Shri Richik Ghosh Thakur, InSIC Board Member.
Experiment performed by the students: Pico Hydel Plant, Clean Lighting and Cooking System, A Hybrid Solar Lighting System, Solar Water Purification System, Factors affecting Solar PV Performance.
Thereafter the students participated in the interactive session. They were told about Principles of Solar Energy and Solar Panels were given to them for measuring Voc, Isc etc.
After lunch the students interacted with Prof. S.P. Gon Chaudhuri from India and Mr. Pekka Järvilehto, Mr. Markku Tahkokorpi & Mr. Risto Isomaki from Finland. They discussed about various issues related to Solar Energy Research, Future opportunities, Exchange Programme etc.
In the concluding session an assessment was conducted and individual marking was given by the experts.
Feedback From the Students:
Soham Mukherjee (XII)- It was very inspiring to know about the future energy aspects.
Suryansh Roy (XII)- Overall session was very good and I gained so much of knowledge by attending this programme.
Asmit Manab Karmakar (XII)- I am glad to attend such wonderful awareness programme organised by InSIC & NBIRT.
Reek Mondal (XII)- It was interesting to know about the applications of renewable energy sources.
Supreet Banerjee (XII)- The programme was good and effective for us.
Abitattha Das (XII)- It was wonderful to know about such innovative projects.
Antareep Nath (XI)- The programme was awesome; I learned a lot of new things and gained much idea about renewable energy & its sources.
Soham Pattanayek (XI)- All of the programme was very informative and encouraging.
Shibam Mondal (XI)- The programme helped me to gain experience on the on-field application of various technology.
Ayush Chatterjee (XI)- I have never had this type of exposure so far.
Avirup Roy (XI)- This type of session was very new & useful for school students.
Ayush Ghoshal (X)- This type of technological exposure will help us to think beyond our limits.
Feedback From the Teachers:
Sri Sugata Ranjan Saha (Teacher)- I thank InSIC & NBIRT members for organizing this wonderful advance technological exposure for the students.
Sri Biswanath Bag (Teacher)- I would request InSIC team to conduct this type of programme for a large number of students.
19 Jun 2023